Research & Development Department of J&G

Currently Running Research Projects:

GreenVests – “Green Vertical Steel Wall Design” within the programme Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) Action Grant Budget-Based (1-7-2023 to 31-12-2027), The aim of GREENVESTS is to provide information ready to be applied by the Steel Industry. The lack of design standards is presently a problem for the design of the structural parts of green-walls, Proposal number: 101112158. (Euro 2.879.055). More info: GreenVests - RFCS | RFCS Project.

TOPIO -“Towards Democratic Landscape Observation through Geoinformatics and Public Participation” within the programme ORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01-01 (1-12-2023 to 30-11-2027). The aims of TOPIL is to give people an active role in decision-making on landscape by means of Citizen Science, Geoinformatics (Earth Observation and GIS), Artificial Intelligence and Public Participation to promote the area's sustainable development. Proposal ID 101131109. (Euro 915.400). 
More info:

CIRCMAN5.0 “Circular Manufacturing 5.0: Human-Centred AI-aided Digital Framework for Closed-loop Photovoltaic (PV)products Value Chains”, within the programme ORIZON -CL4-2024-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-05 GA ID 101178331. CIRCMAN5.0 combines advanced industry 4.0 technologies with humancentric design principles to assess and demonstrate how waste reduction and optimization of raw material can be feasible and profitable while significantly reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing processes.

The Research & Development Department of J&G is dealing with all the calls for proposals, to search within the wide range of opportunities for those that best suit a project and to walk the path with other partners and municipalities following the 30 years of experience in submitting European proposals. The staff is specialised in writing European Proposals, contacting other partners in order to form a consortium.

Among its staff and Consultants, the Research&Development Department of J&G includes individuals having a long experience in participating to EU Projects as FP5, FP7, H2020, HORIZON, JPI as well as RFCS, INTERREG, LIFE, CREATIVE EUROPE, LIFE LONG LEARNING, ERASMUS.

Once a European proposal call has been approved, the Research & Development Department of J&G takes care of the administrative, financial and legal management of the European project, as well as the dissemination, communication and engagement strategies. We assist our clients in the search for partners, preparation of the grant agreement process and in the development of the project, the coordination of the work and the communication among partners, toward stakeholders and society.

When a proposal is successful, the J&G follows the project throughout its duration, monitors its technical and financial progress through technical reports sent to the relevant public administration, attends consortium meetings, providing templates and guidelines to streamline internal procedures.

In addition, Research & Development Department of J&G has the expertise to execute the dissemination of R&I results and support the transfer of technology and the methods of exploiting R&I results with partners, as well as to develop technical and social innovation tasks. 

Hereafter is a list of the Projects in which Staff members and Consultants of the Research & Development Department of J&G were/are involved:


  • YADES – H2020 – MSCA- RISE- 2019 – Improved Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Areas to cope with Climate Change and Other Hazard based on Innovative Algorithms and Modelling Tools, coordinated by NTUAthens, (2020-2025), (1,909,000 €)
  • ERA4CH – H2020 – TMA – MSCA – SE - Earthquake Risk Platform for European Cities Cultural Heritage Protection, coordinated by ALMA Sistemi srl, (2023-2026), (754,400 €) 
  • eUMaP – H2020-MSCA-RISE  - Development of Utilities Management Platform for the case of Quarantine and Lockdown Project (2021-2025),(961,400,00€)
  • HOMEE -JPI- CH -Heritage Opportunities/threats within Mega-Events in Europe: Changing environments, new challenges and possible solutions for preservation in mega-events embedded in heritage-rich European cities coordinated by Politecnico di Milano, (2018-21), (771,564.34 €)
  • EnRoute —H2020- Enhancing Resilience of Urban Ecosystems through Green Infrastructure- coordinated by Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, (2016-17)
  • ECO-CEMENT FP7-ENVIRONMENT, New microbial carbonate precipitation technology for the production of high strength, economical and Ecological Cement coordinated by ESSENTIUM GRUPO SL, (2012-2015), (2 138 511,05 €)
  • ECOSLOPES—FP5- ‘Eco-engineering and Conservation of Slopes for Long-term Protection from Erosion, Landslides and Storms’, coordinated by Institut National de La Recherche Agronomique-FR, (2001-2004), (3 822 295 €)


  • CONSTRUCTADD- Resource-efficient steel CONSTRUCTion using ADDitive manufacturing, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano, (2022-2026), (2,877,307 €)
  • LASTTS - LASer cutting Technology for Tubular Structures, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano, (2021-2024), (2,941,074 €).
  • DISSIPABLE - Fully Dissipative and Easily Repairable Devices for Resilient buildings with Composite Steel-Concrete Structures), coordinated by Politecnico di Milano, (2018-21), (1,814,811 €)
  • STEELWAR- Advanced Structural Solutions for Automated Steel Rack Supported Warehouses, coordinated by University of Pisa (2017-21), (2,455,500 €)
  • FASTCOLD - Fatigue Strength of Cold-Formed Structural Steel Details, coordinated by FINCON Consulting Italia srl, (2017-21), (2,893,000 €)
  • INNOSEIS - Valorisation of Innovative Anti-seismic Devices, coordinated by National Technical University of Athens (2016-17), (995,700 €)
  • LASTEICON -Laser technology for innovative connections in steel constructions, coordinated by FINCON Consulting Italia srl, (2016-19), (1,927,670 €)
  • PROINDUSTRY - Seismic Protection of Industrial Plants by Enhanced Steel Based Systems, coordinated by University of Pisa (2013-16), (1,568,000 €)
  • MEAKADO - Design of Steel Structures with Limited Ductility Requirements for Optimized Performances in Moderate Earthquake Areas, coordinated by University of Liege (2013-16), (1,307,000 €)
  • ADBLAST (Advanced Design Methods for Blast Loaded Steel Structures), Coordinated by RWTH-Aachen (2010-13), (1,365,000 €)
  • SEISRACKS2 -Seismic Behaviour of Steel Storage Pallet Racking Systems, coordinated by Politecnico di Milano, (2011-14), (1,442,000 €)
  • FUSEIS -Dissipative Fuses for Seismic Resistant Steel Frames, coordinated by National Technical University of Athens, (2008-11) (741,000 €)
  • SEISRACKS (Seismic Behaviour of Steel Storage Pallet Racking Systems), coordinated by ACAI, (2005-07), (768,000 €)
  • INERD - Innovation for Earthquake Resistant Design, (2001-2004) (968,500 €)


  • MYCOT.I.CO.N - Lifelong Learning Leonardo Da Vinci -MYCOTa Intereuropean Cooperation Network – coordinated by School of Economics and Management of TEI Thessaly, Presently Thessaly University, Coordinator, (2011-13) (261,112€).

  • PERIURBAN Parks — INTERREG IVC ‘management of the periurban parks and rural areas’ – coordinated by Regional Government of Tuscany-IT (2009-2013) ( 2.288.528 €)

  • GAD — CULTURE 2007-2013 The fortune of Garden Art Design Contemporary Avant-garde’ within Programme Culture 2007-2013,– coordinated by Zografou (Athens) Municipal Enterprise of Development (leader)-EL, (2008- 2010)
  • GreenLink — Interreg IIIB Medocc- Espaces verts périurbains’, areas’ – areas’ – coordinated by Florence Municipality –IT (2006-2008)
  • SURPrISE — INTERREG IIIC’-PROGRESDEC / ESDP-STEPS -Sustainable Urban Regeneration Programmes in Southern Europe’. within Programme – areas – coordinated by Lazio Regione
  • REMCOS -ENVIRONMENT RTD -Reclamation of Mediterranean Ecosystems affected by wildfires- project. areas’ – coordinated by Alicate Institute CEAM of Valencia, Spain. (1996-98).
  • Natura 2000 — LIFE I -LIFE94 NAT/GR/001201 - ‘Inventory, Identification, Evaluation and Mapping of the Flora and Fauna species in Greece’ areas’ – coordinated by Goulandris Natural History Museum, Greek Biotope Wetland in co- operation with Ministry of Environment planning and Public Works. (1992-1995)